Subject: [fem-women2000 254] 6/4-9 Internet TV 番組(北京+5)
From: lalamaziwa <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 12:32:28 +0900
Seq: 254
フランスの女性団体が企画制作しているインターネットテレビ中継の 案内、最新版プレスリリースです。 4-9日に放送。時差の関係で日本では5-10日になります。ご注意を。 日本は GMT+9 =9時間早いです 番組予定 4日 メディア 5日 戦争と女性への暴力、国連女性会議の歴史と人権運動の目標 6日 グローバリゼーション 7日 リプロダクティブヘルス&ライツ 8日 環境と食料安全保障 9日 ハイライト、まとめの論評 # 3:30pm GMTにチャットルームがオープンします。 (日本では翌日付00:30am) トップページに英語のナビゲーションを付けてほしい(フランス語だけ では大変)という要望があり、連絡しておきました。 iテレビ局の方は難色を示したとのことですが準備しているようです。 --lalamaziwa ------------------------------------------------------------------ press release Cyberfemmes at Beijing +5 (UN General assembly special session - UNGASS) 4th to June 9th, 2000 email : Les Penelopes would like you, to meet and join them during six consecutive days, on "Cyberfemmes" to take part and follow in live the special session. Programs will be held live fom 1:30pm to 2:30pm local time. A chatroom will be open at 3:30pm GMT, 9:30pm in France. You are therefore strongly encouraged to participate to the online debate. You can also send emails with your comments, the team in New York, will post them the next day. Program (as of today) Sunday June 4th MEDIA, with the members of WomenAction2000 of each regions Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and the participation of Karen Banks (APCWP) Monday June 5th ARMED CONFLICT and VIOLENCE with Africa (Ouganda) and East Europe participants Special participation of a woman from Kosovo and et Anne Walker (IWTC) who will provide a short history of women's conference and will put in perspective the human rights goal [lin: can you edit this part please] Tuesday June 6th GLOBALISATION with participants from Asia, United States in relation to the three days devoted to this subject Wenesday June 7th, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH with participants from Asia, Africa and a special participation from PROCHOICE organisations, from France and US. Thursday June 8th ENVIRONMENT and FOOD SECURITY with participants from the Philippines, India, and Canada Friday June 9th Best-off, final, comentariesキ Programs will be held in French. News will be realized in French and the English version will be available in text format in the "book" web part of the TV. Les Penelopes will give the opportunity for the NGOs to share and talk about their ground work and fighting methods. Each participant will be speaking in its own language (English, French and Spanish). Their will be short documentaries, interview realized on the spot, illustrating each themas. A syntesis in French will be done daily by the news person of the day. Some crucial elements exerpted from the daily newspaper produced by WomenAction, as well as in depth text concerning the contibutors or on the subject treated during the programs, a photographic documenatry will be also available daily in the book. All the programs will be available to see in archives. _________________________________________________________________________ for Women 2000, UN Special Session on Beijing+5 Searcheable Archive visit fem-net HomePage for other mailing lists