Subject: [fem-women2000 186] Daily News 5 - English
From: "takasaki.ayako" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 12:42:47 +0900
Seq: 186
To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: [B5NGONEWS] Daily News 5 - English Daily News 5 - English Editorial Let us be conscious of our strength During this meeting, as with most international conferences, there are as many proposals and positions as there are participants. We have diverse organizational cultures : some NGOs know the U.N. system inside out; others, especially those from the Global South, do not. Some spend their time chasing after fragments of information yet can`t find what they`re looking for. It is imperative that all our strategic feminist information circulate. Why don't we coordinate our efforts? Obviously, our common enemies monitor us closely. But let's not underestimate our strength. We are many. Our number and the quality of our arguments are weapons we can use against them. Are we naive? Not at all. What we are is lucid. We remain convinced that the more we open lines of communication, the more we disseminate information, the more we will be able to influence public opinion on gender. WomenAction 2000 Appropriate ICTs We Met Our Commitments. Did You? Chapter J - Women and Media Five years after the Beijing Conference women have carried out all the recommendations of the Platform for Action addressed to civil society. We have promoted advancements towards equality in media venues; we have created and strengthened media and communication mechanisms of our own; we have created networks to facilitate interaction among citizens; and we have promoted the access of our movements to the new communications technologies. Thus, affirming the collective spirit that is expressed in Chapter J of the Platform for Action of Beijing, we propose to the United Nations the adoption of the following: Our aspiration to include women's right to communicate as a priority issue in the United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century, as a contribution to the present and future process of building democracies based on pluralism and in the promotion of a culture of peace. The Media Caucus Interview Transparency in structure of CSDFor Minu Hemmati, Coordinator of the Commission on Sustainable Development Women's Caucus, the biggest difference between the process around CSD and CSW is transparency. The NGO preparations for CSW are not democratic. We can't preach to the governments that they must be transparent, and not be that ourselves. The NGOs in CSD have worked very hard to create a transparent and democratic process. Now hundreds of people are able to participate very effectively.The CSD NGO Caucus has a book of rules. For example, the Steering Committee is elected. There is an annual election for the co-chairs of the NGO Caucus. There are rules for how many groups are needed to be able to form a caucus. A caucus must have a mission statement. The CSD is run as a multi-stakeholder forum, organized along the major groups identified in Agenda 21 (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) which include Industry, Technology and Agriculture. Nearly all caucuses have a listserv. During the CSD there is one hour for discussion. But the points brought up during this hour have been openly discussed, through the listservs and at preparatory meetings, by the participants. The CSD chair also invests highly in the input process, travelling and meeting with the stakeholders. Ms Hemmati contrasts this with how the CSW documents are created. There is little input on Section K the environment. Most governments have not reported on Section K and few NGO alternative reports have reviewed it. 全ome of the information in the Proposed Outcomes document is wrong. Much of it is arbitrary. Emerging issues are not being dealt with, like environmental health and environmental refugees. Overall it seems that the Proposed Outcomes document falls behind what has been achieved at CSD.' Lin Pugh, WomenAction 2000 Appropriate ICTs Let us occupy the airwaves The Asociacion de Comunicaciones Feminist Interactive Radio Endeavour (AC FIRE) aims connecting voices, technologies and actions... giving a voice to the voiceless. With Voicewe can hear live sound So radio becomes an evidence. They produce a monthly feminist Web radio program both Spanish and English that feature various topics with a feminist perspective. To contribute to strengthen local, national, regional and global communications networking women, they repackage their programs to a larger audience via local radio: a weekly broadcast called 薦stLegalat 10a.m. Wednesdays on Radio America (in Costa Rica) on the 780 AM dial. During the PrepCom on March 8th they will put all their energy into a local radio program focusing on the Global March, the Feminist Strike and AMARC. On March 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th and 14th, they will produce one Broadcast Internet hour both in English and Spanish. They are very productive strengthening women place in media publishing also a bi-annual magazine called "Voices on FIRE." And last, but not least, they just edited a book "Women's Voices on FIRE", explaining the historic evolution and philosophy of FIRE. Contact: Towards Gendered ICTs Advocacy As Chair of the African Information Society - Gender Working Group (AIS-GWG), Gillian Marcelle is categoric: There still are significant geographical disparities in the rate of development of global electronic and communication networks. And we have to work on it There is no universal way to use or access ICTs, and almost there are different ways to express For the moment, the benefits of ICTs have much to do with developed countries she thinks. She adds that South Africa has a positive approach. Even if African women experience serious resource deficiencies and have grave difficulties in gaining access to the public decision-making and power structures, a real policy has been launched to integrate women in ICT use. Advocacy has been contextualised. Furthermore, civil society has been consulted, and that 創eeds to be strengthened In a few days, AIS-GWG will arrive at the Global Knowledge Conference II in the Gender Caucus. AIS-GWG has begun to explore partnership arrangements with the ITU Gender Task Force and with the UN-ECA, African Information Society Initiative. What are opportunities for women in that initiative? The question remains. Contact: Regions An Appeal to Assist Flood Victims in Mozambique We, the women of the African women's NGOs attending the 44th session of the UN CSW are deeply concerned and distressed about the lack of response to the current flooding crisis in Mozambique. Already many lives have been lost. Tens of thousands of more lives will be lost if rescue missions are not intensified, and if food and clean drinking water do not reach these people immediately. We have watched and listened in great horror as the government of Mozambique appealed to the international community to come to their rescue with little response. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world with few resources to respond to such a large-scale crisis. We applaud those regional governments that have provided rescue helicopters. However, much more is needed if lives are to be saved and further tragedy is to be avoided. Already we have witnessed the unnecessary death of a grandmother who fell and drowned while she was helping to birth her new grandchild born on top of a tree. We call upon the international community to provide relief services and to send helicopters and other resources to quicken the rescue of thousands of people stranded in dangerous situations where water continues to rise. People are now clinging to tree tops and roof tops. The international community has a moral obligation to show the same spirit of humanitarian concern demonstrated towards other national calamities such as the 1999 devastating earthquake in Turkey. African Caucus Women's Rights Activists under Threat in Nigeria The declaration of Sharia laws in one state in Nigeria, and the move towards implementation in other Northern Muslim States has set off an epidemic of killings in the country. Over 1,000 people have already been killed. Some women activists in Nigeria along with other Civil Society Organizations and opinion leaders voiced their view that introducing Sharia laws may be detrimental to the position of women. Others believe that Sharia laws, a legal framework based on interpretation of the Koran, are compatible with CEDAW and will help women. Over the past week the Nigerian Government has suspended the enforcement of Sharia laws and some states have agreed to suspend its implementation. Nigeria has ratified CEDAW. NGO Caucus 船isturbing lack of post-secondary education in recommendations New Zealander Dr Mary-Louise Kearney is head of Unesco's unit for the World Conference on Higher Education. In the period since Beijing, her Unit has been responsible for promoting showcase examples of why women have a right to higher education. Her Unit entered into partnerships with Higher Education bodies, such as the North and South American International Organisation for Higher Education, the African Association for Universities, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the Association of Arab Universities. The goal is to show how education helps women, at all levels and in all aspects, including economic and social the many barriers to empowerment are cultural wrong thinking. Secondly, unless women are in decision-making positions, nothing will happen. If we ask for favourswe will be patted on the head. We have to be in a position to make and implement decisions.Tertiary education has trebled in the last 10 years with the participation of women significantly high. In OECD countries there is a huge influx of women over 28, many with families and a job. We anticipate this trend to spread to other countries. In Canada, the majority of university entrants are female. Ms Kearney identified a problem in the CSW recommendations: the perception that academia has nothing to do with development. Development needs research-based learning and skills-based learning. The rest of the world is moving forward in this area, so why is this conference lagging? Lin Pugh, WomenAction 2000 The Power of Education to Effect Change In the twenty-first century one of a nation's primary assets will be the knowledge of its citizens. This was a central theme in the Wednesday panel discussion held by UNESCO/IFUW on Globalization: the Power of Education to Effect Change.Education is fundamental for the implementation of all areas of the Beijing+5 document. The panelists stressed the role of formal and non/formal education, underscoring non-formal education in the home as crucial in forming gender-sensitive attitudes. A gender perspective should permeate all aspects of the curriculum, not just those areas specifically referred to in the outcome document, so that it is seen as an integral part of human rights. Education for political awareness as well as public speaking are other areas which should be taught in school to empower young girls to voice their opinions. While access to basic education is regrettably still a major concern, stress must be given to the education of the adolescent girl and young woman. The outcome document as presented is lacking in actions and initiatives for this age group, the leaders of the future. Issues which need specific address are: the need for international recognition of educational qualifications at all levels; the initiation and funding of career guidance for girls from an early age by governments; adequate career counseling for students enabling them to have flexibility of jobs; and the availability to and participation of women in IT education. Women must not only be users of ICTs but also creators of programs, not least to counterbalance the male dominated software trade. Access to tertiary education and lifelong learning is vital if women are to be full participants in human sustainable development. Illiteracy comprises more than basic skills. It should encompass basic science skills, and functional literacy skills particularly in areas such as economy and the law. How can women assert their rights if they do not know them? Anne Holden Ronning, IFUW Young Women Provoke Rare Applause at the UN On March 1, for the first time ever, young women representing all regions of the world were given the floor to address member governments of the Commission on the Status of Women and international NGOs. We are the largest generation in the world. 50% of the population is 30 years or under. This emphasizes the crucial need for youth perspectives in these proceedings. We are subjects of rights and our human rights must be fully respected and promoted,said Mariana Arantes Nasser, 19, from Brazil. The Youth Caucus was formed at the 43rd session of the CSW in 1999. A group of young women was concerned that the only reference to young women in the initial draft of the health document was in relation to their high use of tobacco and high rates of HIV infection. Since its inception, young women have stressed the need for concrete actions to be taken to consider the specific needs and interests of young women. In our generation equality has still not been achieved. There is still a lot to do. We, young women, bring different perspectives and approaches to creating change,said Nasser. Stop imagining what our needs are. Start listening and work with us. If you are serious about the Platform for Action and about women, you have to start with us. Governments need to wake up to the dangers that young women are facing today! To join the meetings, contact us (Shireen Lee 1-212-749-3808 or or Franziska Brantner 1-202-903-7894 or or participate at the Young Women Internet Forum (subscribe to: SID Meeting on Asymmetry of Globalization Over two hundred women crowded into Room B to discuss the burning issue of how globalization is affecting their lives. Building links, bridges and chains of strength were clearly on every one's agenda for women's rights, health and economic equity. SID and other key NGO networks including CONGO offered to continue the discussion in other fora bringing the message of Cairo, Beijing, Vienna and Rio to Geneva. Opinion The Regional Dimension The end of the first week of this prep-com and where are we the NGOs? In somewhat of a state of confusion or do we actually know where we are heading as we now really start working on the preparatory committee for the special session in June. The first draft of the working document for this CSW, the proposed 前utcome Documentemerged on January 21st. Meetings of the five regional commissions of the UN were held between December 1998 and February 2000 and it is doubtful that all their 羨greed Conclusionswere able to influence that document to any degree and what about the splendid NGO Coalition document, did the drafters make any use of the regional conclusions? As the Soroptimist link to the EEC I was fortunate to attend the regional meeting in Geneva in January 2000 and to receive the documents from the other regional meetings from my Soroptimist equivalents who attended those and so am aware of the regional debates, the ideas expressed and the language used, I therefore fully endorse the NGO view stated this week that we must not use those ideas ot that language. In his paper to CSW this week Patrice Robineau of the EEC commented while procedures differ according to regions it is worth highlighting that all the regional conferences allowed for a wide NGO participation which resulted in a substantial contribution to the debate and the outcomes of the meetings The Soroptimist report on the African Conference supports this and states a unique feature of the conference was the fully fledged participation of both governmental and non-governmental organisations in the plenary and breakout work shop sessions My own experience at the EEC conference echoes this. The two day preliminary NGO Forum produced agreed papers from each working caucus which were subsequently used when the Chair of each caucus joined the appropriate government drafting group to produce the Agreed Regional Conclusions. So, have you seen your region's conclusions, are you satisfied that as regional NGOs you did have some influence on those conclusions, and now most important of all are the ideas and views expressed in those regional conclusions being used as we work together at this CSW? Valerie Evans Soroptimist International Cross Cutting Diary of an NGO Participant The United Nations on paper and in practice are two very different things. I came here, thinking I knew a good deal about background and functions of this organisation, but none of that helps. The first few days I really feel like the new kid in town. Confused, amazed, elated, having to search for everything, from bathrooms and coffee to the right people and the right documents. Of course things fall into place; some curiosity and initiative go a long way, especially when you find yourself one of a great many new kids! So we all help each other and after a day or so you walk the halls with the air of belonging there; all part of the act. Part of the act is also being extremely busy in a very relaxed manner. We're in an enormous building, in the cellar; wide corridors, lots of conference rooms, places to sit, coffee corners. Dozens of conversations flowing, dozens of footsteps sounding. People wander in and out of the official meetings, with large cups of coffee and even larger waterbottles. The meetings themselves almost seem just backdrop for the real action; in the halls and smaller rooms people gather for more meetings, but without translators and microphones. There's no daylight here, so I like to eat in the large restaurant with the view of the river. Especially magnificent when clouds are racing or the sun shines on the water, but in any weather a welcome contrast to the swirling mass of humanity filling this building. Humanity from everywhere, in all colours and sizes, in grey suits (like me today) or bright sari's. Representatives of governments and representatives of all kinds of organisations making demands on governments. This really is a world forum, this really is a meeting place for all peoples. To be part of that, however briefly, is a great experience. Lucy Willems Institutional Processes DAW Briefing After the official opening of PrepCom2, and general debate, second panel to follow up on emerging issues (Monday) the negotiations should proceed in full speed starting Tuesday. DAW will be discussing with the Bureau how to facilitate the process. DAW is prepared to provide NGO with briefing on daily basis. If briefing is required on specific issue, this should be communicated in advance for DAW to provide appropriate resource person. Resources Research on Violence against Women issue network A German university research project NGOs and Good Global Governanceexplores NGO networks around the issue of violence against women and their contribution to the legitimacy of politics in the UN. The objective is to identify which women's organizations participate in global communication, where the focal points are and how they are connected to the margins of transnational debate. Research will be based on, amongst others, a questionnaire that is being circulated among NGOs during the CSW session, through March 17, available in conference room B and at the WomenAction Internet Caf(UN Church Center 12th floor). Contact Barbara Finke: NGO Daily Briefing Please contact the NGO Sub-Committee for requests: Sudha Acharya, Sara Longwe, Pam Rajput, Lydia Alpizar, Charlotte Bunch, Lenata Bloem, Leslie Wright. CSW Wrap-up Prior to PrepCom 2, for the June Special Session, the regular session of the CSW concluded on 2nd March with four resolutions and plans for its 45th session. This summary of the outcomes is distributed as a special edition of WomenAction News. The same information can be found at: TAKASAKI AYAKO*** Advanced Business Works NTT Communications Corporation tel +81 3 5353 3410,3498(Direct) fax +81 3 5353 5662 ************************