From: "takasaki.ayako" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 11:19:56 +0900
Seq: 183
To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: [B5NGONEWS] UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (Forty-fourth Session) and PrepCom. New York, 28 February - 17 March 2000 PLENARY SESSION General Debate - Agenda Items 3 and 4 Statement on Behalf of the Asia Pacific Women's Watch (APWW) Delivered by Prof. Pam Rajput, Convenor, Steering Committee, APWW February 29, 2000 Madam Chairperson, distinguished members of the Commission on the Status of Women and honourable delegates to the CSW and dear sisters from the women's movemenet. The new century has begun with an important stocktaking all over the world, an assessment of the condition and status of half of humanity, the world's women and girls, in response to the UN call for a performance report on what has changed since the Beijing Conference on Women, which is being called the Beijing + 5 Review. It is an auditing opportunity of the pledges and commitments made five years ago. I rise to speak, Madam Chairperson, before this august Commisiion on behalf of Asia Pacific Women's Watch, in deed on behalf of the 60% of the women of the world that we are, and as I relect their voices, I am sure these are the voices of the women of the world, as the concerns are the same. I may hasten to add that I am consiously not using the words "grass roots voices", as I feel that due to unsustainable, developemnt policies, the grass is disappearing - and what to say about the root? We speak now of displaced women, refugee women, squatter women, migrant women, trafficked women, commodified women - where are their roots!!! While aknowledgeing some gains since Beijing, particularlry a growing acceptance and commitment towards addressing women's needs, the matter of fact is that most governemnts, I may submit with due respect, persisit in reporting de jure and not de facto. Is the truth not yet good enough? Clearly it is not. The Asia Pacific Regional Symposium stressed that the past few years have been particularly difficult for our region. Challenges posed by new trends that perpetuate injustice, threaten world peace and impede women's empowerment such as the negative impact of globalistaion, the Asian finanaical crisis, the intensification of armed and other forms of violent conflict, an escalation in the use of religious, ethnic, cultural and other forms of identity based constructcs to deny women equality, rights and resources and lack of political will to empower women beyond policy statenents anad legislation.. The region has seen an increase in the number of women living in poverty. This has largely been caused by the impact of international influences including globalisation and the policies and practicies of bodies such as the World Trade Organsiation, World Bank, Intenrational Monetary Fund and multi-national corporations. For many women, these policies and practices have resulted in unemployment, a deterioration in wages and working conditions , the shift of labour from the formal to the informal sector and from regulated to unprotected sub-contratced labour. There is complete failure of the international community to develop mechanisms for the regulation and accountability of these new centres of power. As the countries reel under debt, there are cuts in the social sector. Safety nets are a lip service. There is reduced access to affordable quality health care; including primary health care; increased struggle for means of livelihood. Food security stands endangered. Exactly five years ago, in the 39th session of the CSW, I had said that Miss Universe wants Pepsi, Miss World wants Coca Cola. What does the poor women want? Safe drinking water! Either water is not available, or it is poisonous, mixed with toxic waste. How many can afford to drink mineral water? (Which is more expensive than Gas and Diesel in the US). Have the conditions changed since then? Development with a human face is yet to see the light of day. It is equally important to take note of the increasing culture of violence, trafficking, the escalating commodification of women and girl children and violation of their human rights. The review process invites recall of three words, "equality, development and peace". Peace, must be submitted, remains the forgotten word of the three. It is the BPFA that defaults by positionsing peace in the theatre of war rather than injustice and thus absolving both national and international reporting from acknowledging the hard facts. The possible leadership of women as builders and guardians of peace options in human affairs or conflict resolution at any level is not really up for review; they are still cast as victims of the breakdowns of peace or armed conflicts. Voices are heard against nuclear weapons but nobody talks of banning the production and trade of arms. While noting the strengthening and enhancement of national machinaries we lament the low level of political will, relative absence of genuine monitoring and evaluation of other institutional mechanisms, as much as resource commitment both at the national and international levels. Having stated that, I may say that (and I quote from the AP NGO document) "yet we draw strength from a growing acceptance and commitment to women's needs in civil society, governments and international organisations; and recognise that the BPFA facilitated partnerships between NGOs working for women's empowerment, other civil society actors, governments and the UN system. As we from the women's movment commit to translate our vision into reality and "to strive for societies based on individual and social dignity in which women feel strong, active,creative, and empowered; where the vital power of our bodies' functioning and healing remians in tact; where our diverse abilities and talents are valued; and where we may make decisions and choices, express ourselves and move about freely and confidently, without fear of violence." We call upon the governemnts of the world, the United Nations, international agencies, non-state actors and civil society to have the courage and commitment to translate the high hopes of the BPFA into concrete actions that help us to move from the conflict, inequality and injustice towards the pronciples of mutual respect, equality and justice. Can we endevour to make the 21st century a century of EQUALITY, HUMANITY AND PEACE? ends TAKASAKI AYAKO*** Advanced Business Works NTT Communications Corporation tel +81 3 5353 3410,3498(Direct) fax +81 3 5353 5662 ************************