Subject: [fem-women2000 178] [B5NGONEWS] Health Caucus 29.02.00
From: "takasaki.ayako" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 10:53:36 +0900
Seq: 178
To: Multiple recipients of list <> Subject: [B5NGONEWS] Health Caucus 29.02.00 Health Caucus 29.02.00 A. General information The caucus was chaired by Shireen Lee, about 20 women attended, among them 2 (older) representatives of Soroptomist Intl. and of the Intl. Federation of University Women interested in youth issues. There were young women from Western Europe (Netherlands, Germany), the US, Canada, 4 women from Latin America, 1 from Japan, one Egytpian located in NY, the underrepresentation of African women was stated. The initators are collecting testimony of women from other regions. Many of the participants covered health or reproductive rights issues. It was agreed to meet after the youth caucus in a small group of those who are interested to prepare a statement and to decide on a spokesperson (which should not be from the US) for the tomorrow NGO intervention. It was suggested to formulate a rather general statement including: 1) the claim that young women have to be recognized as individuals with rights rather than as a problem or a risk (which the CSW tended to do from a health point of view) 2) indicating why young women need to be addressed specifically (f.e. by a collection of youth specific statistical data) 3) to stress the necessity of participation of young women B. Concrete information The contact person for the youth caucus is Shireen Lee, she indicated her e-mail address: The youth caucus decided to meet every day this week at 1:30 p.m., at conference room 1 (on the balcony) The plan is to formulate a platform to address young women's issues next monday (i.e. March 6) TAKASAKI AYAKO*** Advanced Business Works NTT Communications Corporation tel +81 3 5353 3410,3498(Direct) fax +81 3 5353 5662 ************************