Subject: [fem-events 1613] 人身売買と HIV/AIDS に関する南アジア女性法廷
From: "Hisako Motoyama" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 23:10:35 +0900
Seq: 1613 | お知らせ & イベント | └――─ ―――┘ みなさま、 アジア女性人権協会(AWHRC)が、人身売買とHIV/AIDSに関する南アジア女性法廷を8月11−13日に開催するそうです。女性の人権の視点に立って、戦時暴力や生殖技術、 開発の中の暴力など、女性に対するさまざまな暴力を裁く一連の取り組みのひとつと して行われるとのこと。 もとやま The South Asia Court of Women on the Violence of Trafficking And HIV / AIDS 11 - 13, August 2003 Dhaka, Bangladesh Dear Friends, Asian Women’s Human Rights Council (AWHRC) in partnership with UNDP (Regional HIV and Development Programme for South and North East Asia and UBINIG, Bangladesh) is organising the South Asia Court of Women on the Violence of Trafficking and HIV/AIDS from August 11-13 2003 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Court is being organised in association with Oxfam GB, in Nepal and AATWIN, Nepal; IMADR, Sri Lanka; LHRLA, Pakistan and Vimochana, Bangalore. The South Asia Court of Women, through personal testimonies of violence and of resistance, analyses of expert witnesses and inspiring vision statements of a jury of women and men of wisdom, will seek to understand the increasing violence and vulnerability associated with trafficking in women and children and HIV/ AIDS in the context of the current patterns of globalisation and governance that are leading to the destruction, and devaluation of livelihoods and life systems of entire communities of people in the global south; the increasing restriction on mobility due to concerns of national security; the absolute erosion of all notions of rights or dignity for the survivors of the violence of trafficking and HIV/AIDS. In this context therefore it is important to relook at the issue of trafficking not merely as a cross border law and order problem linked to women, citizenship concerns, repatriation and rehabilitation but draw out its critical linkages with issues related to gender, migration, asylum and refugee seekers, conflict and the contemporary discourse on terrorism - in fact the new global world order. We write seeking your support and solidarity for the Court and also to invite your possible participation. Through the holding of the Court we would attempt to: Provide a forum for women from different countries of South Asia to share, reflect and have a deeper understanding of roots of the violence and vulnerability faced by women affected by trafficking in women and children and HIV/AIDS. Recognise and build upon the strengths and survival strategies of affected women towards challenging and transforming discriminatory social and legal policies and evolving a notion of rights rooted in their realities. Evaluate and assess the policy frameworks that are being evolved to address the issues at national, regional and international levels. Strengthen regional and national networking among individuals and groups on this issue in order to work for more effective action and advocacy at various levels. This Court will comprise of three events: a. A one-day series of roundtable discussions on the day preceding the court, on critical, cutting edge issues related to the core themes that will provide the context for receiving the text and testimonies of the Court. (August 11) b. The Court itself that will hear the testimonies of women survivors and resistors to the violence of trafficking. The very specific text and textures of the individual testimonies of survival and resistance will be woven together with reflections on crucial issues related to the dominant discourse of politics and knowledge systems that is creating conditions of extreme vulnerability and violence for a majority of the peoples and communities the world over. (August 12) c. The follow up meeting (August 13) will discuss the concrete way to go forward taking the primary issues that emerge both from the roundtables and the Court. The Court will seek to involve a wide range of participants, including women who have been victims of trafficking, activists and networks working on the issue, trade union representatives, media representatives, students, academia, policy makers and representatives from various regional and international government agencies. The Courts of Women: A Background The South Asia Court of Women on Trafficking and HIV/AIDS is part of a process of the Courts of Women initiated by the Asian Women’s Human Rights Council and several other women’s and human rights groups in Asia; a process that not only seeks to create a new space and a new politics for women but also one that offers a valuable input into local, national and international campaigns against different forms of violence against women. While it began in Asia through the AWHRC, El Taller, an organisation based in Tunis, has taken the Courts to the other regions of the world including the Arab region, Africa, Central America and the Mediterranean. Seventeen Courts of Women have been held so far with seven being held in the Asia Pacific region. The Courts have been held at regional, national and international levels, with five World Courts. The issues the Courts have addressed so far include specific issues such as the violence against Dalit Women, Crimes against Women related to the Reproductive technologies, Trafficking in Women, War Crimes against Women, and Crimes against Women related to the Violence of Development. The Courts have also taken up issues such as the Rights of Refugee and Indigenous Women; Land rights, Racism and the Economic Blockade in Cuba. While the Courts are deeply symbolic and an attempt to define a new space for women; a new politics, as a forum for human rights education they have been an extremely sensitive and powerful media to reveal the interconnections between the various forms of personal and public violence against women in different societies. Violence that has been increasing and escalating; a violence that has become brutal. The Courts of Women challenging the dominant ways to knowledge seek to weave together the objective reality (through analyses of the issue) with the subjective testimonies of the women; the personal with the political; the logical with the lyrical (through video testimonies, artistic images and poetry) urging us to discern fresh insights, to find a new political imagination. The Courts of Women attempt to write counter hegemonic histories by creating a space where we can listen with care to the voices of the women speaking in their own centre. And in re-writing history the Courts of Women not only hear of the need to extend the dominant human rights discourse from the experience and perspectives of women; they speak too of a new generation of women’s human rights. As part of this process of the Courts and our ongoing involvements with the issue, the South Asia Court of Women on Trafficking and HIV/AIDS will seek to deepen our understanding of the issues in the context of the new violent global order and while holding them accountable, will call upon the states and governments to make appropriate economic, social and legal provisions to protect the rights of the women victimised by trafficking and those affected by HIV / AIDS. Many of you have been a part of the Courts either through your participation or through extending your solidarity. We invite you once again to be part of the South Asia Court of Women on the Violence of Trafficking and HIV / AIDS by extending your support through a message of solidarity that will be acknowledged in the publications and reports of the Court. We would request that you send us your message to the address given below by July 10 2003, at the very latest. With kind wish. Sincerely, Corinne Kumar International Coordinator Courts of Women, AWHRC/El Taller International Sonam Yangchen Rana Senior Advisor and Regional Coordinator UNDP Regional HIV and Development Programme South and North East Asia Farida Akhter Executive Director UBINIG Madhu Bhushan Coordinator AWHRC India For further details contact: Aashti Mudnani AWHRC - India 33/1-9, Thyagraj Layout M.S.Nagar Post Jaibharathnagar Bangalore 56 00 33 India Telefax: 91-80-5492782 Email: -------------------------------------------- Hisako Motoyama<> Phone:090-9329-1948 アジア女性資料センター Women in Black東京 メリーランド通信連載中 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Hisako Motoyama<> Phone:090-9329-1948 アジア女性資料センター Women in Black東京 メリーランド通信連載中 -------------------------------------------- fem-net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= は、お知らせ、イベント情報の案内にご利用ください 投稿は自動的に に掲示します。 このメッセージに対する購読者向けのコメントはこの情報エリアではなく、 fem-net 一般討議エリア 宛に送ってください。 このメールに対する返信は 宛にセットしてあります。 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= fem-net