Flight for Freedom
In the latter part of 1969, I left a U.S. Army military hospital in Sagami Ono, Japan. Wherein, I faced false charges brought by the military--charges of which I would later be exhonorated via a congressional investigation, spearheaded by a congressman from my hometown area in Texas.
On the first day of 1970, I was offered and accepted the protection and assistance of a group called Beheiren (Beitonamu No Heiwa). For almost a year,
I travelled around Japan, from house to house.In-as-much, I met many wonderful and caring people. My name with the organization was Allen Ono. There were many times when the student groups who were assisting me, faced danger as they accompanied me. It wasn't merely eleven months of running aimlessly throughout Japan, but a time of making unforgettable friends. Although, I have yet to contact them, as they used Pseudonyms too.
I have written a yet unpublished novel about this experience, and how it
changed my life.I was interviewed on one occassion by a newspaper reporter, but have been unsuccessful at getting a copy of the article. I believe the
interview took place at around the month of March, and if I'm not mistaken it
was published in the Asahi Shimbun. If anyone remembers Allen Ono, please feel free to contact me at rlbstone43@hotmail.com, or R.L. Barclay RD#1, Box
42 Derrick City, PA. 16727 I would like to know how my Japanese friends are
. by R.L. Barclay , America
. ちなみに、引用元のサイトは
http://www.japan-guide.com/forum/expreadisplay.hts?5087 です。
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