18 3月15日、サンフランシスコ反戦集会とデモ (現地時間 2003年3月15日 20:40:19発 日本時間 16日 16:34:10受信)
 集会に参加する前に市役所駅から地上に出るエスカレータに乗っているとき、後ろにいた若い女の子のプラカードを見て、阿部さんが、あれこのピースサインちょっと違うよ、と言いました。確かにピースサインではなくて、メルセデス・ベンツ社のスリーアローです。つまり下に線がぬけていない。そうしたらその女の子は、笑って、Close enough(十分に近いでしょ)とのこと。いま考えると、彼女は、阿部さんが話しかけた後も、ピースマークと、スリーアローの違いが分かっていたかあやしい。でもそれを馬鹿にしたり、非難するのはあたらない。あの世代に、あの政治演説は通用しない。そして、この世代が未来です。ピースマークがスリーアローで何が悪いのか。スリーアローをピースマークに読み替えればいいだけ。

March 15, 2003
Thousands Surround White House in Anti - War Protest

Filed at 6:16 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thousands of Americans from more than 100 cities
surrounded the White House in a peaceful anti-war protest on Saturday,
in perhaps their last chance to dissuade the Bush administration from
invading Iraq.

Carrying signs with such messages as ``Stop Mad Cowboy Disease'' above a
picture of President Bush, the demonstrators beat drums, sang songs and
chanted as they marched from the Washington Monument to the White House
and finally to the Justice Department.

``President Bush, listen to your people -- the American people before
you today, who say, 'No war in Iraq,''' Howard University student Peta
Lindsay told a cheering crowd at a midday rally.

The demonstrators, from throughout the country and across the
ideological spectrum, waved flags and placards and chanted slogans like
``Send our troops home'' and ``No Blood for Oil.'' Some flew rainbow
kites with ``peace'' written on them.

``The Iraqi people are not our enemies -- they are our sisters and
brothers,'' another Howard University student, Caneisha Mills, told the

Bush spent Saturday away from Washington at the Camp David presidential
retreat in Maryland. But he used his weekly radio address to brace the
public for war, saying he saw little hope that Iraq would disarm

Despite his absence, police cars kept the demonstrators to a route about
a block's width away from the White House.

Washington police said the event was largely peaceful but that five
people were arrested for ``unlawful entry'' of World Bank headquarters,
several blocks from the White House and the demonstration route.

On Sunday morning, Bush heads to Portugal's Azores islands for an
emergency summit with the leaders of Britain and Spain in a final
pursuit of a U.N. resolution that would set the stage for war against
Iraq over its alleged weapons of mass destruction programs.

The resolution sponsored by the three countries is the subject of a
bitter fight among U.N. Security Council members.


First-time demonstrator Patty Crotau, 28, left her home in upstate New
York on Friday afternoon and came to Washington by bus. The mother of
two said she came because she believes the Bush administration's current
stance is hypocritical.

``We're keeping everything we have in terms of weapons of mass
destruction,'' she said. ``I would hate to see it come to a point where
this might come back to the U.S. and affect my children.''

The Washington protest is one of several planned for Saturday in the
United States, designed to coincide with similar demonstrations
throughout Europe, Asia and Australia.

In San Francisco, thousands of protesters chanted, played guitars, beat
drums and carried signs reading ``How many lives per gallon?'' in an
anti-war march that stretched for about a dozen city blocks.

In Tampa, Florida, about 100 people rallied outside the gates of MacDill
Air Force Base, home of the U.S. Central Command.

Nearly 1,000 people took part in more than a dozen protests in and
around Boston, organizers said. Police arrested at least one person for
disrupting traffic on a busy bridge between Boston and Cambridge,
Massachusetts, witnesses said.

There were also counterdemonstrations in other cities including Atlanta,
where about 2,000 people gathered in downtown Atlanta in a ``Rally for
America.'' Organizers said the event was designed to voice support for
the U.S. military and was not necessarily pro-war.

Religious leaders have planned a Sunday evening prayer vigil at
Washington's Lincoln Memorial that will coincide with thousands of other
candlelight vigils across the world.

``My hope is that on Monday morning the administration will realize
there are two superpowers in the world: the United States and world
opinion,'' said the Rev. Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National
Council of Churches


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