24 アメリカ政府の「分裂」 (現地時間 2004年04月20日 14:45:35発 日本時間 20日 15:38:24受信)

 数日前に、Plan of Warという本が出て、ワシントンポストの記者が書いたものだけど、これのニュースソースは、パウェルらしい。まえから、パウェル国務長官と副大統領・国防長官の確執はあきらかだけど、こうやって公の形でるのは驚きです。政府の分裂ですね。


MR. KANEHIRA: In the history of the modern nation, it is said every government has an obligation to protect their own citizens. Some people in Japan are saying that those who are kidnapped are willing to take risk and they were expected to assume the responsibility for their own act. What is your comment?
SECRETARY POWELL: Well, everybody should understand the risk they are taking by going into dangerous areas. But if nobody was willing to take a risk, then we would never move forward. We would never move our world forward.
     And so I'm pleased that these Japanese citizens were willing to put themselves at risk for a greater good, for a better purpose. And the Japanese people should be very proud that they have citizens like this willing to do that, and very proud of the soldiers that you are sending to Iraq that they are willing to take that risk.
     But even when, because of that risk, they get captured, it doesn't mean we can say, "Well, you took the risk. It's your fault." No, we still have an obligation to do everything we can to recover them safely and we have an obligation to be deeply concerned about them. They are our friends. They are our neighbors. They are our fellow citizens.
 室 謙二
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