566. "The
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace"(Editor in Chief: Nigel Young)が完成,発行。(2010/04/16掲載)
Young 編集長の下で、"The Oxford International
Encyclopedia of Peace" が完成した。Young 編集長が脳梗塞で倒れるなど困難が極め,出版が何年も遅れたが、今年3月に
Oxford University Press
kから出版できた。ハードカバー全4巻で、£300だが今年の6月中までは£200で頒価される。日本では、Amazon で\38,946を6% off
第2巻のJ項のJapan のところには、Peace Constituion of Japan(by Hisashi Nakamura), Peace
Movements in Japan(by Mari Yamamoto), Japanese Peace Museums(by Kazuyo Yamane)
の項目があり、Peace Muvements"
……Later Postwar period: Vietnam and Beyond
Organized labor increasingly withdrew from the leftist peace movement in later
years amid Japan's economic boom, and the anti‐nuclear weapons movement split up
in l963 owing to rivalry among the socialists and communists. Amid the general
disarray of the peace movement, major mass organizations including political
parties were unable to demonstrate leadership in antiwar activities when the
United States began bombing North Vietnam and devastating the South, after 1965.
So liberal and leftist intellectuals began organizing loosely knit groupings of
individuals to unite them only in one purpose, namely, to oppose the U.S.
military action in Vietnam. They refrained from contesting other ideological
issues to avoid sectarian division and became a magnet for a large number of
citizens, including activists of the New (mainly student) Left as well as those
who took a dim view of the increasingly violent political agitation by New Left
Such unofficial groupings were called the Japan "Peace for Vietnam Committee"
(Beheiren), which was affiliated with no political or any other mass
organizations. They were much influenced by the ideas of the American
New Left: they embraced civil disobedience and urged the public to act
spontaneously in the capacities of individuals rather than passive members of
mass organizations, as had often been the case in earlier postwar years.
Amid the ensuing ideological radicalization, Beheiren activists assisted the
desertion of American soldiers and urged G.I.s to oppose their officers at U.S.
bases in Japan. The presence of U.S. military installations
in Japan, especially Okinawa, also raised the issue of Japan's own complicity in
the Vietnam War, and the realization led activists to open their eyes to their
country's present and past war responsibility. Their rigorous critique about
Japan's war crimes also later led to a movement to investigate and compensate
for the wrongs suffered by foreign victims of Japan's war, including the
Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos.……(pp.530〜531)
このほか、日本については、Hiroshima Panels という項目がある。また、Civil Disobedience や Non-violence