Welcome to the DUCJ.
Stop manufacturing and using of DU and its weapons !!
Renewed at 2003.9.12
We have released Opinions on the Depleted Uranium Weapons used in Iraq.
[Summary of activities]:
A. Research and Investigation:
- To collect DU related articles and materials.
- To conduct researches in DU contaminated areas, particularly in Iraq.
- To conduct investigations in countries which manufacture and use DU weapons and utilize DU.
- To investigate the adverse health effects on victims caused by DU.
- To conduct researches in nuclear power plants which make DU.
B. Aid for victims:
- To help clean up the contaminated areas.
- To provide medical treatment for the victims.
C. Initiatives for the abolition of DU weapons:
- To put pressure on DU-producing/possessing countries.
- To lobby international organizations such as the United Nations.
- To provide information to any individuals/groups who request it and to keep the media more aware of the DU issue.
This group was initiated by Ms. Masako Ito, representative of the Friendship Society between Children of Japan and Arab. She has visited Iraq again and again, on bringing in medical supplies as aid materials. She also attended the International Peace Conference in The Hague, May 1999. Through the exchange with various organizations worldwide, she recognized that the consequences of DU have become an international problem. The sense of crisis impending due to DU made her establish this group in Japan.
We are requesting for another publishing on the report in Japanese. Please your help !
œReports on Iraq
MAIL: c/o TANPOPO-SHA, 2-6-2-5F Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0061, JAPAN
TEL: 03-3238-9035, FAX: 03-3238-0797
E-mail: vfa01742@yahoo.co.jp
Postal Transfer Account: 00100-2-155130 [REKKA-URAN-KENKYUUKAI]
Web Master: HERE